Legal Service Areas:

This office proudly provides legal services in the following areas:

  • Traffic Court Representation: In Maryland, driving is a privilege, not a right. Like many privileges, it can be easily revoked, rendering you unable to get to work, pick up your kids, etc. Fortunately, with the proper representation, you can avoid losing your ability to drive.
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  • Landlord/Tenant Disputes: Both Tenants and Landlords can face a variety of legal issues, including illegal lockouts, failures to pay rent, holding over issues, lack of proper utilities, etc.. These actions are often illegal and can be pursued in court.
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  • Small and Large Claims Civil Suits: If you want your money, you will often need to pursue a judgment in Court. However, navigating and winning your case can be very difficult without the right experience and collections can be downright brutal. Fortunately, this often can help you through the process at a reasonable price.
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  • Wage Theft: Under Maryland law, absent extremely unusual circumstances, an employer must pay his/her employee on time, in a bi-weekly manner. Failing to do that subjects them up to treble (triple) damages and attorney fees.
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  • Debt Collection Defense: When a person owes money and does not pay the debts owed in a timely manner, a judgment can be entered against them by the Court, allowing for garnishment of wages, sale of property. However, in many cases, the party was not served properly or never even incurred the debt.
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  • Lease Review at a flat fee: It is an adage of American law that 2 people can contract to just about anything. This is especially true with leases, where many unwary renters get hit with additional fees and responsibilities that they didn't realize was in the lease. For a flat fee of $50, I will review your lease for you.
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  • Shielding of Court Records: Most court records are freely accessible to everyone. Many employers check into your court records before making hiring decisions. However, these records can often be shielded.
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  • Protective and Peace Orders: Protective orders are restraining orders designed for people who share close/intimate relationships with the perpetrator, such as parents, children, spouses, etc.
    By contrast, Peace orders are restraining orders designed for people who do not have close relationships with the alleged perpetrator, such as acquaintances, co-workers, etc.
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  • Expungement of Criminal Records: Like court records, most criminal records are publicly available and employers routinely conduct background searches. These records can often be expunged so that they cease to exist.
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  • Replevin/Detinue Actions: What do you do when someone has your stuff (ie. your computer, your car, etc.) and won’t give it back? You know it’s yours, but they refuse to return it. That’s when you need to file a Replevin/Detinue action.
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  • Divorce: Divorce is the means by which the legal status of marriage is dissolved. There are a variety of grounds and forms of divorce with each having unique issues including: custody, alimony, use and possession of property, etc.
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  • Custody: When parents of a child do not live together, a custody arrangement must be reached to determine where the child(ren) will live, support arrangements, decision making, etc.
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